Wiki Pre-op/ permanent sterilization


Albuquerque, NM
Best answers
Patient is seen for counseling discussion, desires permanent sterilization. After the counseling patient chose surgical permanent contraception; laparoscopic salpingectomy. Procedure/surgical planning explained.

Test was order; COVID Preop swab

Would these be the dx for this visit?
Z01.812 Encounter for preprocedural laboratory examination
Z20.822 Contact with and (suspected) exposed to COVID-19
Z30.2 Encounter for sterilization

Thank you!
If you are the gyn performing this visit with a decision for sterilization, I don't believe any of these codes should be submitted on your claim.
The ORDER for PST covid swab should have Z01.812 primary and Z20.822 additional. That is what the lab performing the COVID test will bill.
Z30.2 is for the actual sterilization, not for discussing contraceptive methods.
I would suggest Z30.09 Encounter for other general counseling and ADVICE ON CONTRACEPTION for your E/M code.