Wiki Principal diagnosis for cesarean section due to previous traumatic birth (4th degree tear)?

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Inpatient delivery Principal diagnosis for cesarean section due to previous traumatic birth (4th degree tear)? Or would it be dx o82 encounter for cesarean delivery without indication.
Inpatient delivery Principal diagnosis for cesarean section due to previous traumatic birth (4th degree tear)? Or would it be dx o82 encounter for cesarean delivery without indication.
If the previous 4th degree laceration causes an abnormality of the perineum so that vaginal delivery was not possible, you could go with an O34.74 code (3rd trimester as there is no code for complicating delivery). There is also the Z87.59 code for personal Hx of complications from pregnancy, but I doubt that code will fly as a principal diagnosis in this case. If it is her fear of vaginal delivery due to the previous laceration with no physical defect present you will have to go with a mental health diagnosis.