Wiki Pychology billig help


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I bill for a hospitalist group, skilled nursing facilities, group homes, and private homes. We want to add a psychologist to the group. For consults at the hospital I know you just use consultation codes. Can a regular medical dr bill subsequesnt codes on the same day as the psychology codes (90804,90806,90816)? And for the skilled nursing facilities would we bill psychology codes or regular subsequent codes. I'm a little confused on how to bill for the psychologist for all these different settings.
Generally speaking, there are too many parameters here to consider. Some very good guidance is given at the begenning of the Psychiatry/Psychology code section in the CPT book. You may also want to take a look at the Medicare guidance on Psychiatry LCD/NCD. :)
Psychology continued

Can you bill a 99307-99310 for one doctor on the same day as 90801-90809 for another dr? They share the same tax ID # but one doctor is internal medicine and the other is a clincal psycholist?
Billing & coding, CPC

Do you bill consult codes for a psychologist at the hospital or do you use the 90801 code

Depends on the documentation of the provider. Inpatient consulation codes and 90801 can be billed for consult service. Review the documenation requirements of inpatient consultation codes (99251-99255) and 90801-diagnosic psychiatric evaluation.
The above codes can be used to bill for IP consult.