Wiki Question on screening verus diagnostic colonoscopy


White Plains, MD
Best answers
The patients first visit to the dr. for a screening colonoscopy to be done on a following date? will I code V76.51 for this visit and the date of colonoscopy?
Thanks for any help.
Yes. You can. However the visit most likely will not be covered since the pre-screening visit payment is part of the procedure payment itself. I strongly suggest your doctor or practice look into an Open Access program, that way you skip the unneeded "pre-sreening visit".
That is correct, in fact I remeber seeing on the CMS website that stated that pre visits for colonoscopies were not billable. I am sure someone has that reference I will see if I can pull it up again.
True, medicare will not pay for the pre-screening visit. I've seen some other private carriers that do, though I'm sure they will change soon enough. Sorry for not clarifying that in my post.