Wiki Radiology Coding Information

Coding Strategies Inc has a great "Navigator for Diagnostic Radiology" book we recently purchased. We also had a great speaker last year at one of our seminars and her name was Lori Hendrix. Hope that helps!
ACR Radiology Coding Source; RBMA / Radiology Business Management/; Radiology Coding Alert; Radiology Coding Companion; Medlearn / Ask - they do webinars, seminars - Jeff Majchrzak and Donna Richmond are really good
I use all these resources - hope it helps!
procedre 76140

we are in the processing of billing for this office procedure 76140( x ray reading), and would like does it require a modifer

My company has used Coding Strategies for years for their navigator books and their speakers. We like them because they always have the authoritive sources reference which makes it easier to find information when trying to back something up with a physician. We have used MedLearn in the past, but have found some mistakes in their references.
From Radiology Coding Alert 2003

Should we append modifier -26 to 76140 when we perform a consultation on =
Wisconsin Subscriber

Answer: Because 76140 (Consultation on x-ray examination made elsewhere, =
written report) is designated for the physician only, you do not need to =
append modifier -26 (Professional component) to it.

According to the Summer 1991 CPT Assistant, you should only report 76140 =
if a physician from another institution requests your physician's =
opinion on a radiograph and you send that physician your interpretation. =
You should not report 76140 if a physician within your practice or =
hospital asks you to reread an x-ray that was primarily interpreted by =
another physician within the same practice. Instead, report 76140 when =
you interpret an imaging study that was primarily obtained and =
interpreted by a physician from a different practice and with a =
different provider number.

Medicare and some private payers assign "0" relative value units (RVUs) =
to 76140 and will not reimburse you for this service. If your commercial =
insurer allows payment for this service, ask for the coverage guidelines =
in writing before billing 76140 to avoid unnecessary denials. Your =
practice should establish a policy related to billing the patient for =
reinterpretations of outside films. If you intend to bill for this =
service, you should obtain an advance beneficiary notice (ABN) for =
patients whose payers do not provide payment for 76140.