Wiki Raise request


New Durham, NH
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I was wondering if anyone could help me, I am new to the billing/coding field. I earned my CPC-A certificate last September. I currently work in an ASC that does GI, ortho, podiatry, and plastics. I currently do the coding for GI but doing the billing and insurance piece for the rest of the specialties with someone else who mainly does the billing. A job opportunity as become available where I would do all the billing and coding for ophthalmology only. I currently earn $19/hr and am trying to decide how much to ask for regarding this new position. I work in the northeast. Even though I am new to the billing/coding field I have been in the medical field for over 10yrs working as a MA. Any thoughts? TIA!
My first question is how much do you know about ophthalmology coding? If this is an area where you would need significant training before being productive I would not go asking for a raise. However if this is an area that you can jump right in and be an asset quickly, you may want to ask for a few dollars more. Keep in mind I'm not familiar with your area. Your more likely to get more money if this is an area where you can be productive quickly. two cents.