Wiki reimbursement

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Hello everyone,
I have the question from one of my client psychiatrist doctor. So, if anyone can help me with it I will really appreciate. The question is:
Can you figure out whether my patients will get reimbursed more if I bill them with the CPT code 90807 or 99215 for a regular office visit, and similarly will they get reimbursed more if bill them as a 90801 or a 99215 for an initial visit.

Thank you
First remind your physician to codes based on what documentation supports and not code for reimbursement.

Fee Schedules will vary....but you can always check the RVU value to see which codes are higher in value

According to my local fee schedule for Medicare (this will give a good estimate for reimbursement)...
90807 $70.99
99215 $97.08
90801 $108.67

Oh, and did you mean to type 99205 for an initial visit??
99205 $139.24

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