Wiki Remote physiological monitoring 99457 during global period


Knoxville, TN
Best answers
Our provider billed for 99457 eight days after a minor procedure performed in office so we added modifier 24 to 99457. However the payer is rejecting this upfront due to invalid/missing modifier. Is anyone here able to shed some light on what the issue might be? An E/M was also billed on the same day as the minor procedure, so I wonder if that could be part of the problem?
We have been successfully billing RPM for a while on this same patient with the same dx.
I appreciate any advice you might have. Thank you in advance!
Modifier 24 is for use with evaluation and management codes. My guess is that the payer is not classifying 99457 as an E/M service and because of this is identifying the modifier as invalid for the code. If they are considering this a diagnostic test code, that would not be part of global package and so a modifier shouldn't be required - I would try filing it without the modifier.
Modifier 24 is for use with evaluation and management codes. My guess is that the payer is not classifying 99457 as an E/M service and because of this is identifying the modifier as invalid for the code. If they are considering this a diagnostic test code, that would not be part of global package and so a modifier shouldn't be required - I would try filing it without the modifier.
Thank you for the suggestion, I will try that!
Modifier 24 is for use with evaluation and management codes. My guess is that the payer is not classifying 99457 as an E/M service and because of this is identifying the modifier as invalid for the code. If they are considering this a diagnostic test code, that would not be part of global package and so a modifier shouldn't be required - I would try filing it without the modifier.
I wanted to follow up on this to say that I took your suggestion and removed the modifier and the claim was paid. Thank you!!