Wiki Research Patients


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We have recently added a new Dr to our practice and he does a lot of research studies.

He has a whole department of research employees who work only that. My question is this..

I am being told by the research department and if a patient is enrolled in a research study and they come in for a visit, they will let me know if the pacer interrogation is part of the research study or not. If they indicate it is part of the study then I should only bill the insurance for the visit. If they do not tell me that it is part of the study then I should be billing their insurance for the visit and the interrogation.

This does not sit well with me. I was under the impression that once a patient is enrolled in a research study, then all of the services received that are related to that diagnosis are part of the research study and not billed. Am I wrong/misunderstanding?

I definately would love your thoughts and any documentation to help me go to the head Doctor.

