Wiki ROS for a Peds Patient


Best answers
Will some of you experienced peds auditors please give me your opinion? I've heard that a 10-point review of systems is not required for the peds patient under age 10 which is assumed to be the age at which a patient can provide a reliable system review. When auditing, do you discount the ROS for the patients under the age of 10 or so? Thanks.
ROS still required

I have never heard that a patient under age 10 doesn't need an ROS.

Our compliance auditors look for the ROS on all patients, regardless of age.

Even our neonatal patients get an ROS ... it's usually entirely negative with a notation that a neonate on day of life one has NO system review.

The patient may not be able to give this ROS (or any history for that matter), but the parents certainly can.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC