Wiki RX vs OTC


True Blue
Hinsdale, MA
Best answers
1) question: If an MD says to continue flonase spray, 0.05 mg/inh, 2 sprays in each nostril, intranasally, QD, 30 days, 1 bottle, refills 3, is this considered RX management? and moderate risk?
2nd question: When I see the word "Refills", can I automatically assume RX management?
3rd question: I'm seeing grey areas when one medicine is both OTC and Rx--how to determine which?
4th question: Is continuing an Rx or refilling an RX moderate or low risk?
thank you
My opinions a provider: 1) No, because it's OTC. Risk would be Low
2) I think the visit notes would have to say something like, "BP well controlled w/ current medications. Refill x 3.
3) I think you'd still have to defer to the OTC aspect of the medication. I have patients who use artificial tears, which are OTC. For some who were affiliated with the military, those pharmacies would provide the ATs at no charge. However, I had to write a prescription for them to get it filled.
4) I think it's Moderate because you made a decision to continue to manage the condition without changing the correct prescription meds.

Tom Cheezum, OD, CPC, COPC