Wiki Salary ?


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Does anyone know salary range for an experienced Practice Manager (15+ years) in Tennessee? 2 physician surgical office.
I don't know for sure, but I googled it. It seems that a salary of $58K to $64K may be average in some parts of the United States. It also depends obviously on the needs of the practice and the skill and experience you bring to the table. Definitely get as much as you can on the front end.. don't let them dangle the carrot of increases later, my 30 years at working at Hospital and Doctors' office... they don't follow through that often. Get what you can before you step in the door including a great vacation package, you'll need it with the stress you'll have to deal with. :)
Amen to that response. It's a lot of responsibility and hard work. Get your salary and benefits up front. Good Luck