Wiki Separately billable E/M 99204-25 w/ 46946


Escondido, CA
Best answers
Another example that I would like to confirm whether or not the E/M is billable. I left out HPI & ROS, etc.


Bleeding internal hemorrhoids, hemorrhoidal banding of left and right posterolateral internal hemorrhoid columns was completed, please see procedure note for details. He was encouraged to use supplemental fiber and reminded about the importance of hydration. He will f/u with me in 4-6 weeks for further treatment. This consultation took 45 minutes with 40 spent on counseling.

Chief Complaint
internal bleeding hemorrhoids

History of Present Illness
39 y/o male patient presents for evaluation of bleeding internal hemorrhoids. The patient has a long history of hemorrhoids and in fact has had previous hemorrhoidal surgery. He presents after urgent care visit about one week ago for bleeding that began and lasted for five days. He has had no further bright red blood per rectum since. He denies pain or any protrusions from the anus. He states that he routinely has 3-4 bowel movements a day but denies straining. He does do a lot of wiping for each of the movements. He does not use supplemental fiber.
Hemorrhoidal banding
The patient was explained the nature of the procedure and consented. An anoscopic with lubrication was passed into the anorectal canal and withdrawn, left and right posterolateral hemorrhoidal columns were doubly banded with some bleeding occurring and the anoscope was withdrawn. The patient tolerated the procedure well without issue.
Is there any documentation supporting the 40 min of counseling, All I see is "He was encouraged to use supplemental fiber and reminded about the importance of hydration". That's what maybe a 5 min conversation max?
Another example that I would like to confirm whether or not the E/M is billable. I left out HPI & ROS, etc.


Bleeding internal hemorrhoids, hemorrhoidal banding of left and right posterolateral internal hemorrhoid columns was completed, please see procedure note for details. He was encouraged to use supplemental fiber and reminded about the importance of hydration. He will f/u with me in 4-6 weeks for further treatment. This consultation took 45 minutes with 40 spent on counseling.

Chief Complaint
internal bleeding hemorrhoids

History of Present Illness
39 y/o male patient presents for evaluation of bleeding internal hemorrhoids. The patient has a long history of hemorrhoids and in fact has had previous hemorrhoidal surgery. He presents after urgent care visit about one week ago for bleeding that began and lasted for five days. He has had no further bright red blood per rectum since. He denies pain or any protrusions from the anus. He states that he routinely has 3-4 bowel movements a day but denies straining. He does do a lot of wiping for each of the movements. He does not use supplemental fiber.
Hemorrhoidal banding
The patient was explained the nature of the procedure and consented. An anoscopic with lubrication was passed into the anorectal canal and withdrawn, left and right posterolateral hemorrhoidal columns were doubly banded with some bleeding occurring and the anoscope was withdrawn. The patient tolerated the procedure well without issue.

This would not be appropriate documentation if you are billing for "time". The provider must state that "X" minutes was spent with this visit and greater than 50% was spent in counseling and coordination of care.