Wiki SNF Psychiatrist Billing....

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I'm hoping one of you can help me out with this or give me idea where I should look for the correct coding/billing information. I have looked in the text book and CPT book but I'm still confused…..

I work at a Skilled Nursing Facility – we have a Psychiatrist that comes in to evaluate certain residents if the attending physician has requested a Psych Evaluation. After the initial evaluation/consult he will come in monthly to review the chart and adjust medication if necessary. On these visits he does not see the resident only the chart and speaks with a RN.

He is telling us we need to bill 99307 and M0064 or 99212 and M0064 for these visits. That does not seem right to me. What would you do or suggest?

We have checked with other local SNF's and they do not do the billing for the Psychiatrist (their office bills). We are doing the billing because we pay him a set salary to consult. If that makes any difference??