Wiki tetanus vaccine


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pt comes in for tetanus vaccine, has not had one in over ten years. Dr wants to code as an update on vaccine. Would you use V03.7 - Tetanus toxoid alone or would you use V06.1 - Dtap (diphtheria-tetanusppertussis) which is the actual injection he is getting, but the Physician thinks since it is an update on his tetanus it needs to be coded differently than with V06.1. I would think even though it has been 10 years you would still code with V06.1 even though it is an update. help please


You can only code what is in the documentation and what is the correct
injection. Most adults either receive Td (V06.5) or Tetanus Toxoid alone (V03.7). Don't forget the corresponding CPT codes, 90471 plus 90718 or 90703. You can only bill for the specific medications that was given to the
patient. If you are audited, this could cause a fine to be imposed.
Thanks so much for the help. I coded it for the shot that was given. I can't seem to get them to understand that there is not a code for updates, it is whatever injection they are getting. Thanks again