Wiki The laterality not documented by the provider


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This is a time-sensitive question since I am being pressured by upper management to use the laterality specific dx. The provider has mentioned in his notes "Pain in shoulder, unspecified laterality". Patient is having a left shoulder x-ray performed. I am being told that the dx to be used should be "left shoulder pain". From what I know, the provider should be queried and the note amended. Please let me know if I am wrong. I used unspecified shoulder pain dx since there was no way for me to contact the provider but I am being told to just assume the laterality. I want to reach out to the upper management but would love some concrete input from the seasoned coders.
Thank you so much!
Been in your shoes. The xray is enough to support the diagnosis code.
Thank you so much! I was talking to another coder and she also said that left shoulder x-ray should allow me to code for left shoulder pain instead of unspecified. Thank you for confirming!