Wiki Totally confused

Wisam Jamal

Amman, Amman
Best answers
Dear all,

I have this operation:
total laryngectomy, bilateral selective neck dissection & reconstruction of neck skin with myocutaneous pectoralis major flap.

I am trying to code ?reconstruction of neck skin with myocutaneous pectoralis major flap?

I found the range 15732-15738 ? but these are for donor?s site ?? do I still need to code for the receipt site (neck)?

I am not sure I am getting this donor and receipt site for graft and flaps?

I am totally confused.
15734 - Muscle, myocutaneous, or fasciocutaneous flap; trunk. Muscle flap codes are reported by the donor site.

Separately report a skin graft to repair any donor defect. Report the graft harvest to repair the donor defect site separately. If the patient requires some type of immobilization (a cast or a splint) to immobilize the flap area to keep it safe and secure report with a code from the musculoskeletal system section of the CPT)
Thank you so much berryc for your reply ....

but we don't need a code for the neck site? were the flap was used? Or in myocutaneous flaps we only code for the donor site and no need for the code to the recipient site?

Also, I was wondering if there is any website or resource I can use to understand more the grafts and flaps?