Wiki Twin Births


Sandston, VA
Best answers
Good afternoon. My normal coding job is Risk Adjustment and occasionally some commercial coding. I have no experience with OB cases so I am in need of help!
I have a delivery of di/di twins, fetus 1 NSVD and fetus 2 cesarean (none of which is in the ICD-10 guidelines). Pre-term, third trimester, 33 weeks, both live born. Cesarean performed for fetus 2 due to malpresentation. Do I treat each delivery as a separate incident and code accordingly or am I completely off? Thanks!
Hello, I am still learning and highly suggest to wait for an expert answer (there are monitoring forum=Thank you)! Here is my thought:
1. code for vaginal delivery with dx: Di/di + preterm+ Outcome z37-live twins+ gestation z3a.33
2. code for cesarean with dx: Malpresentation fetus2 + Di/Di+ preterm+ Outcome +gestation z3a.33
3. 2 CPT codes will be on the same charge session for same patient, same dos and same MD.
Assuming you are coding pro fee for the ob (don't know about the facility). Also assuming the vaginal was not a VBAC. @natashalage has it correct.

Scenario 1 - Dr is providing all antepartum, delivery and postpartum
59510 for Baby B - csection global.
59409 for Baby A - vaginal delivery only
You would not bill 2 global codes. Bill the global code that gives the higher reimbursement, even if it's not the chronological order of the deliveries.

Scenario 2 - Dr did NOT provide antepartum or postpartum and is ONLY delivering:
59514 for Baby B - csection delivery only
59409 for Baby A - vaginal delivery only

Some carriers may want -59 or -XU modifier on the second delivery.