Wiki UB04 - Service Location Address


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On a HCFA, Box 32 is the service location address and Box 33 is the billing provider address. I am trying to locate these same boxes on a UB04. I read a manual at the following link and it seems to state that on a UB04 box 1 is the billing provider address and box 2 is the pay-to address if different than the billing provider address. Is billing provider address the service location address and then pay-to address is the billing address?

To put this in a real life example, I am billing for Torres Facility Group, for patient John Doe at a location under Torres facility group called Torres 2 facility group, and I want the checks to go to Torres Facility Group. Should I submit Torres 2 facility info in box 1, and then Torres facility group info in box 2? Essentially making box 1 the service location address and NPI and box 2 the billing provider address and NPI?