Wiki ultra sound needle core biopsy


True Blue
Marrero, LA
Best answers
question not sure which way to go on this 27323, or should i go to 20206, with US

PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Left upper thigh mass
POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Left upper thigh mass

PROCEDURE: Ultrasound-guided core needle biopsy of left upper thigh mass

SPECIMENS: left upper thigh mass sent for 1) frozen, 2) fresh, 3) culture



This is a who presented with a 5 x 5 cm left upper thigh mass. The mass was outside of the presumed lymph node region, nontender and firm and an ultrasound was done which was suspicious for a neoplastic process. had no palpable adenopathy and had no B symptoms. He had been treated with a course of clindamycin with minimal improvement in the lesion. was brought in for a biopsy under anesthesia.

After informed consent was obtained, the patient was brought to the operating room and placed supine on the operating table. General anesthesia was administered, blood was drawn by anesthesia and sent for a Bartonella antibody titer, and thenl eft upper thigh was prepped and draped in standard sterile fashion. We began by placing the ultrasound over the palpable mass in the upper thigh, which was several cm inferior to the inguinal ligament. A small incision was made over the lateral aspect of the mass and then, under ultrasound guidance, a total of 5 core needle biopsies were taken in the superficial plane of the mass, away from the vascular portion of the mass. One piece was sent for frozen, 1 piece was sent for culture, and the remaining 3 pieces were sent fresh to pathology. Pressure was held at the insertion site and then 3 mL of 0.25% plain marcaine was injected. The site was cleaned and dried and covered with Steri-Strips, Telfa and Tegaderm. The patient tolerated the procedure well. There were no complications. Counts were correct at the end the case. The patient was awakened taken to recovery in stable condition. I was scrubbed and present for the entire case.

Of note, the frozen section returned positive for lymphoid tissue. Fresh tissue was available for flow cytomet