Wiki Ultrasound Audit Template


Rochester, NH
Best answers
Good afternoon,

I was wondering if anyone has or knows of a good resource to use as an audit tool for ultrasounds. I am currently looking at several ultrasounds and see basic missing items (orders and signatures come to mind). Any assistance would be very much appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your time.
Hi Dlashua
Well here are some ideas may help in auditing ultrasound to ensure if done properly.

1.Documentation supported diagnosis billed link with medical necessity .
2.Was the ultrasound report complete as first or second one done in timely manner if on same body area
3. Signed , dated and radiologist s NPI on record read it
4. Are modifiers used of PI or PS 91
5. Type of ultrasound described and time & date completed.
6. Was contrast or medications given or used during ultrasound?
8.Patient name ,MRN #, DOS and referring doctor s name and location referred from(office, EMR, clinic)
9.Impression or results completed in timely manner

I hope helped you in this auditing situation.
Lady T
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