Wiki URO Single Port Robotic Assisted Prostatectomy/ Single Port Robotic Assisted Nephrectomy


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Belle Fourche, SD
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Hello, I am interested to know if a Single Port Robotic Assisted Procedure is considered laprascopic or open if the provider did an incision? TIA

A supraumbilical midline incision was made sharply with a 15 blade about 2 fingerbreaths above the pubic symphysis. Incision was about 3.5 cm in length. Dissection was carried down to the fascia with electrocautery. The fascia was opened. A spinal needle was used to confirm the bladder's location. Irrigation was passed through the foley to fill the bladder. Then a cystosotomy was made. I used my finger to elevated the bladder to the abdominal wall and then inserted a 5 mm port from abdominal wall into the bladder. Care was taken to have the patient in trendelenburg position 15 degrees to aid in not injuring the small bowel. Then, the small robotic port adaptor was placed into the bladder and insufflation with 15 mm of airseal pressure was used.
Note this RULE here......“laparoscopic” are understood to mean that the beginning and a majority (or all) of the surgical procedure work was performed using trocars and laparoscopic instruments. Use of robotic-assistance, hand-assistance, or minor incision for specimen extraction with or without extracorporeal work is still considered a laparoscopic procedure. So if the majority of this case is performed Laparoscopically, then you can use that code. I view this as Laparscopic.