Wiki v49.73 or 895.0???

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Hi! I hope somebody may be able to help me. If a patient undergoes a surgical amputation secondary to osteomyelitis, should I be using 895.0 or V49.7x code? Thanks!:confused:
Are you coding for the surgery or the aftercare? Either way you will definitly not use the 895.0 code as that code is used to indicate a traumatic amputation injury. The indication for surgery in you case is most likely the osteomyelitis. The V49.7x code is use as a staus code after the amputation has been performed.
The appropriate diagnosis for current surgical procedure is 730.2x. For follow up visits, We can use ICD V49.73.

ICD 895.0 should be used if the patient has traumatically injured (i-e traumatically lost the anatomical segment of the body) and lost his toe(s)

Hope this helps!