Wiki V72.40 vs V72.41

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When is it appropriate to use codes V72.40 vs V72.41. I work in an outpatient infusion center and we will begin to provide all women of child bearing age (55 and under) an HCG test to confirm that they are not pregnant before chemo is administered. What is the appropriate code to use.
'To exclude pregnancy' for treatment with chemotherapy !! OR 'to rule out pregnancy' for treatment with Chemotherapy !! That is the aim of the test before starting on/continuing chemptherapy.
Yes to rule out pregnancy by 84702 or 84703. The quantitative test is the most specific and to be sure of highest specificity.
If it positive, the chemo would not be started /continued. The test may have to be repeated until the doctor is sure of non pregnant status for the patient.
Majo. I had a 'lure' at this code too but the word pre-procedural seemed to me not very appropriate because the treatment with chemptherapy did not convince me for a"procedure"in its literal sense. But now that you suggested I raise my eyebrows why not in its coding Procedural sense; to some extent could be !!!??
Majo. I had a 'lure' at this code too but the word pre-procedural seemed to me not very appropriate because the treatment with chemptherapy did not convince me for a"procedure"in its literal sense. But now that you suggested I raise my eyebrows why not in its coding Procedural sense; to some extent could be !!!??

Yes, the gray areas of coding are mind-boggling. I suppose it offers job security. :)