Wiki virginia coders


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have any of you been contacted by the exchange (open enrollment starts in 3 months) in va re: contracting, fee schedules, provider manuel? also, our practice does not have the capability of transferring records electronically. who will pay for the massive amount of record requests? if a patient does not want the irs or whoever, to have access to their medical records, are they protected by hipaa? i have contacted my state delegate and they do not know. any info would be appreciated. thank you. lburke

update: my manager received an email that directed us to I went to the site and it is very vague. it states that you can find out if your provider is on the plan. I called the phone number for more info. I asked how a provider knows if they are in network with exchange. they could not tell me. I asked if they have chosen the healthplan in va yet. they don't know. I asked for fee schedules. they don't know. I asked what do we tell our patients when they call 10-1-13. they don't know. I asked if they will be ready in 100 days. "oh yes! absolutely!" I don't have a good feeling about this. lburke
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