Wiki wording respectively related to removal of polyps with different techniques


Jacksonville, FL
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Would you accept respectively when a physician documents: 2 polyps in the descending colon and rectum removed respectively by snare cautery and hot biopsy forceps and submitted. I know respectively means corresponding order but didnt know if insurance company would accept. I've never had a physician document this way
I would. From the definition below I am thinking that it means descending removed by snare and rectum polyp removed by hot biopsy
due to meaning individually and in the order already mentioned.
If in doubt query before coding both procedures:)

separately or individually and in the order already mentioned (used when enumerating two or more items or facts that refer back to a previous statement).
My only concern with the documentation is that the majority of insurance carriers are not going to review and process the claim with both techniques with that particular verbiage. As coders, we understand what the physician was stating; however, I don't know that the insurance carrier will understand. I would definitely verify with the physician that each technique was used in a different location from the other polyp. If the physician can addend the note to clarify exactly what was done, I think that there is a better chance that the claim will be processed correctly the first time.