Ob-Gyn Coding Alert

You Be the Coder:

Follow This Lysis Rule of the Road

Question: My ob-gyn performed a diagnostic laparoscopy, lysis of adhesions, fulguration of endometrial implant, and chromopertubation. How should I report this? Can I report the lysis?

Tennessee Subscriber

Answer: You should report 58662 (Laparoscopy,surgical; with fulguration or excision of lesions of the ovary, pelvic viscera, or peritoneal surface by any method) and 58350-59 (Chromotubation of oviduct,including materials; Distinct procedural services),assuming the ob-gyn did this latter procedure to check patency.

Caution: You should always consider the lysis bundled (as well as the diagnostic laparoscopy, which ispart of the other procedures the ob-gyn performed through the scope). If your ob-gyns documentation denotes the lysis was extensive and included significant extra work, however, then you can apply modifier 22 (Increased procedural service). If your ob-gyns documentation does not describe this well, then you will not receive extra reimbursement for it.

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