
Destruction by Neurolytic Agent (eg, Chemical, Thermal, Electrical or Radiofrequency) and Chemodenervation Procedures on the Extracranial Nerves, Peripheral Nerves, and Autonomic Nervous System CPT® Code range 64600- 64681

The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code range for Destruction by Neurolytic Agent (eg, Chemical, Thermal, Electrical or Radiofrequency) and Chemodenervation Procedures on the Extracranial Nerves, Peripheral Nerves, and Autonomic Nervous System 64600-64681 is a medical code set maintained by the American Medical Association.

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CPT® Code Range 64600- 64681

January 01, 1970
Hi, Would someone be able to explain the difference between the different types of Destructions by Neurolytic Agent or somewhere I can get this info? I have been searching, but have not found any con... [ Read More ]
AMA CPT guidance is: Codes 64600-64681 include the injection of other therapeutic agents (eg, corticosteroids). Do not report diagnostic/therapeutic injections separately. Do not report a code labele... [ Read More ]
The NCCI edit is for the same encounter. If the block is followed by the neurolysis then the block would be inclusive and not separately reportable. The NCCI Edit follows the same guidelines outlined... [ Read More ]
. Radiofrequency ablation was then performed for a total of 2 minutes at 40 degrees at pulsed form _______________________________________________ Within the note it appears it describes pulsed radio... [ Read More ]
CPT states: "Codes 64600-64681 include the injection of other therapeutic agents (e.g. corticosteroids.) ... For codes labeled as chemodenervation, the supply of chemodenervation agent is reported sep... [ Read More ]
Can a physician bill separately for J3301 Kenalog and J1885 Toradol with RFL codes (64633, 64634, 64635, and 64636)? Per CPT guidelines codes 64600-64681 include the injection of other therapeutic a... [ Read More ]
Below is from AMA CPT Assistant, which states to use 64999 for pulsed RF August 2005 page 13 Coding Consultation:Questions and Answers Surgery/Nervous System, 64999 (Q&A) Question: What is the app... [ Read More ]
721.0 723.8 64999 Unlisted Procedure, Nervous System Additional Note on claim Pulsed Radiofrequency of Facet Medial Branch nerve and DRG [url]http://www.painphysicianjournal.com/2006/july/2006;... [ Read More ]
64483-50 64484-50 64484-50 Below are 2011 descriptors for lumbar/sacral transforaminal epidural injections which have been revised and effective for dates of service on or after January 1,2011________... [ Read More ]
[b]Radiofrequency Ablation of Lumbar Sympathetic Nerves?[/b] [QUOTE="NESmith, post: 136256, member: 94358"]What is the correct CPT code for Radiofrequency Ablation of Lumbar Sympathetic Nerves? I hav... [ Read More ]