Wiki Is an OBGYN specialist eligible to bill 81002 in POS-11?

OBGYN specialist eligible to bill 81002 in POS 11

Some commercial carriers consider 81002 part of the global antepartum care. It would not be reimbursed separately. Is that what you are asking?
Yes you can. Assuming you did the test in-house, like most people, you just need to add a 92 to the code. I believe its an alternate platform for testing, but really it just means that you did it in house instead of a laboratory doing it. I believe QW could also indicate the same thing, if it was actually CLIA waived. Whether its part of a global period, that is another story.

Some commercial carriers consider 81002 part of the global antepartum care. It would not be reimbursed separately. Is that what you are asking?