Wiki external / internal cardioversions

Sagus, MA
Best answers
how would you code a cardioversion that is done through a device? (chest NOT open)
would it be 92961, or is that more if the chest is open during surgery?
thanks in advance
how would you code a cardioversion that is done through a device? (chest NOT open)
would it be 92961, or is that more if the chest is open during surgery?
thanks in advance
92960/92961 code description per my encoder
The physician may administer an electronic shock to the patient's chest to regulate heartbeats considered dangerously irregular. The physician uses a defibrillator machine and places two paddles on the patient's chest and/or back. A measured electric shock is delivered through the chest to the heart to convert the heartbeat to a regular rhythm. Report 92960 for external cardioversion and 92961 when the procedure is performed internally.

92960 is a closed procedure (external) and would be the appropriate code based on the information in your post, as the chest was not open.
how would you code a cardioversion that is done through a device? (chest NOT open)
would it be 92961, or is that more if the chest is open during surgery?
thanks in advance
If by device you mean a previously implanted ICD you would use the unspecified code, 93799. An internal cardioversion (92961) is done using transvenous catheters placed in the heart. As far as an open cardioversion is concerned 92961 is unlikely to be appropriate as the code includes elective in the description. I would be quite surprised if they opened a patient to provide an elective cardioversion and any cardioversion necessitated during the course of another open procedure is more likely to be emergent.