Wiki Reporting Code 99238 for Discharge Services


True Blue
Overland Park, KS
Best answers
When reporting discharge services, does the time have to be documented to report code 99238? I know 99239 has a threshold time of greater than 30 mins, but I have been told that if the time is not documented for the discharge, you report 99238 since this code has no threshold time. Would someone be able to provide definitive info that time isn't needed for 99238 (if that is indeed the case)? Thanks.
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Hi there, based on a review of some MACs, it looks like the answer is "It depends on who you bill."

NGS says time isn't required for 99238 and to use it as a default code when time isn't documented
But in a list of documentation requirements for E/M services, Noridian indicates that time is required So does WPS here.
Thanks so much. Just what I was looking for.