
  1. B

    Wiki Radiology - I am interested in finding

    I am interested in finding out what the norm or best practice is for comparison x-rays.
  2. A

    Wiki finding older posts

    With the new discussion board format, how do I get to older threads I posted?
  3. E

    Wiki Microfracture (Elbow)

    Hello! My surgeon did an elbow arthroscopy in which he performed a microfracture of the radial head and capitellum. I am having trouble finding an appropriate CPT for this? Any insight/advice? Thanks! Erin
  4. J

    Wiki Abnormal Diagnostic Findings

    Patient had a CT scan done which showed bowel wall thickening, the doctor documented colitis stating the etiology could be infectious or ischemic. Do I code for the Colitis, Unspecified? K52.9 or would I code for the Abnormal finding R93.3?
  5. C

    Wiki Carotid Stenosis -difference of opinion

    Hi, How would you code a finding of "less than 50% carotid stenosis"? would this be a positive finding? having a difference of opinion. Thanks