
  1. H

    Wiki Heparin in bladder instillations - HELP!

    Our urogynecology office does bladder instillations frequently, & always bills Heparin. I just want to make sure we are billing them correctly. I discovered recently that we are incorrectly billing the units of HEPARIN. Chart states 40,000 units, we've been billing 1. Yikes! Here is how we...
  2. A

    Wiki Intravesical BCG ICD 9 code

    Should the ICD 9 Code for the Intravesical administration of BCG for Bladder CA be a V code or the code for the Bladder CA? I am ok with the CPT codes, but I am seeing mixed info for the ICD 9 code. Please, if anyone provides an answer, please provider a reference also. Appreciate the help.:;)