Wiki 1st listed code for pregnancy in MVA


Weston, FL
Best answers
I'm confused on what code to use first for a pregnant woman in MVA and a pregnant woman with just having abdominal pain
MVA Pregnant


In our office we follow this process when a pregnant woman is in a MVA.
Trauma/Injury during pregnancy
1. Code O9A.XXX primary
2. Then the injury S39.91XA
3. Then How – W18.XXXX e.g.
4. Then Where – if documented

Hope this helps. I have been coding Repro for appx 6 mos at a Teaching hospital for PB coding. So I am finding this specialty to be challenging but exciting at the same time.
O codes have sequencing priority and must always be first listed. Unless the provider documents the pregnancy is unrelated to the current problem, you always choose an O code for the first listed code when the patient is pregnant.
I concur with Deb. Unless the physician specifically documents that there is absolutely no impact/relationship to the reason for encounter and the patient's pregnancy, you always code from the O section of ICD-10-CM.