My doctor did surgery with a general surgeon on a patient with ca ovary.
The general surgeon opened and closed the patient, did a omentectomy, pelvic lymph node sampling , lysis of extensive pelvic adhesions, umbilical hernia repair( my doctor assisted). We did the abd hyst bso.
Do I code the hyst bso with modifier that services reduced because he did not open and close, and bill the asst fee for the other parts of the surgery or do I code the entire surgery as one code{ total procedure all together instead of breaking down the pieces} and modify it for 2 surgeons??
I do not want it to be considered unbundling.
The general surgeon opened and closed the patient, did a omentectomy, pelvic lymph node sampling , lysis of extensive pelvic adhesions, umbilical hernia repair( my doctor assisted). We did the abd hyst bso.
Do I code the hyst bso with modifier that services reduced because he did not open and close, and bill the asst fee for the other parts of the surgery or do I code the entire surgery as one code{ total procedure all together instead of breaking down the pieces} and modify it for 2 surgeons??
I do not want it to be considered unbundling.