Wiki 2012 Books


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Hi, I finished by course at a local college this past summer in Medical Coding and Billing. I am planning on taking the certification exam in March. I bought all the 2012 books (AAPC study guide and Carol Buck study guide along with all books needed for school) when I started the course fall of 2012. I know that I have to buy the 2014 coding books before I take the test but my question is, will I be okay to continue studying my 2012 study guides? I am planning on purchasing the 2014 books this month so that I will have time to look over and become familiar with any new content. I just don't want to buy 2014 study guides if it's not necessary. Thank you!
I'm sorry to say that it will be necessary to purchase the study guides if you want to study the correct coding concepts. Codes change (there were big changes in 2013 and 2014 for cardiovascular codes), and you don't want to put yourself at a disadvantage. The test is hard enough without only having studied part of the material.