Wiki 2013 EMG fee schedules


Kokomo, Indiana
Best answers
Does anybody know where I can find the new fee schedule for the 2013 EMG codes?
For Medicare, and any other commerical ins?
Thanks :
They are listed on the payer websites. For Medicare you would need to go to your specific carrier's site. (Mine is WPS) BCBS and medicaid also lists theirs online. You might be able to obtain others through your PHO, payer reps, or person who does the contracting.
Actually, as of today they have not yet posted the "final rule" regarding EMGs. For our practice, they have paid a 95909 at $130.65, which is about HALF of what we were getting. NC Medicaid has posted theirs, and it's about 30% of what it was!! Please write CMS and Congress to undo these devastating cuts!

The commercial payors will typically wait until Medicare publishes, because most of their payment formulas are derived from Medicare...