Wiki 2023 E/M for new students


Mooresville, NC
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I have a pretty big problem. I'm a student who is almost done w/ the 2022 course. Unfortunately, that means the E/M chapter is not pertinent for the 2023 exam. The webinars are very clearly for people who already know E/M coding, and there is nothing that TEACHES how to code in E/M in 2023 without purchasing the entire several thousand dollar course. Because of this, I could quite plausibly fail the CPC exam. Does anyone have any good resources. The teachers just told me to get 2023 books (I have them) and referred me the webinar that only focuses on people who already know E/M. I'm desperate.
Are you comfortable with the 2021 E/M guidelines?

If so, it isn't too big a step to understand the 2023 updates.
The concepts and guidelines are very similar, but there are different CPT codes for inpatient, SNF, ED, etc.

I have been a strong outpatient E/M coder, who struggled with the 2023 guidelines, because I didn't know the codes off the top of my head.
Once I realized that I still understood the core concepts, it started to make sense.

I, actually just took the AAPC workshop: "Teach the 2023 E/M guidelines to your doctor in one hour", and it was the most in depth presentation on this topic that I've had.
I came away more confident in my understanding of these updates.
If you can afford it ($150), I recommend it, but I would say a decent understanding of the 2021 E/Ms would help.
Are you comfortable with the 2021 E/M guidelines?

If so, it isn't too big a step to understand the 2023 updates.
The concepts and guidelines are very similar, but there are different CPT codes for inpatient, SNF, ED, etc.

I have been a strong outpatient E/M coder, who struggled with the 2023 guidelines, because I didn't know the codes off the top of my head.
Once I realized that I still understood the core concepts, it started to make sense.

I, actually just took the AAPC workshop: "Teach the 2023 E/M guidelines to your doctor in one hour", and it was the most in depth presentation on this topic that I've had.
I came away more confident in my understanding of these updates.
If you can afford it ($150), I recommend it, but I would say a decent understanding of the 2021 E/Ms would help.
Unfortunately, I am not familiar with any E/M as I'm a new student. It was never part of my job to do E/M. So I am afraid of looking at the course to learn the 2021 guidelines because I don't know enough to know what to ignore. I'm likely to walk away with wrong/outdated info. I realize the number of people this affects (those new and still in training during the E/M transition) is not many, but it is a big problem for us.

Do you think the workshop (I hate to throw good money after bad) is good for people who know NOTHING about E/M?
there is nothing to ignore about the 2021 E/M guidelines. they have not changed, they were only expanded.

The reason 2021 was a big deal, is that there was a major overhaul to E/M coding.

Studying up on the 2021 guidelines may be easier to learn the concepts. get comfortable with them and then it would be easier to apply to the 2023 updates.
I actually think the workshop was good, but may not be appropriate for you, right now.

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or if there are any concepts you are struggling with. I teach E/M coding to providers and other coders and may be able to offer some advice to help you grasp the concepts.
there is nothing to ignore about the 2021 E/M guidelines. they have not changed, they were only expanded.
No, I meant I don't know enough to recognize what to ignore in the 2022 E/M COURSE. The course is not broken down into 1995 vs 2021 guidelines, etc. All guidelines are interdispersed throughout the chapter. I wouldn't even be able to recongize a 2021 guideline from any other because I haven't taken the course yet. See my dilemma? Is the webinar you mentioned good for people who have never ever seen E/M before?
No, I meant I don't know enough to recognize what to ignore in the 2022 E/M COURSE. The course is not broken down into 1995 vs 2021 guidelines, etc. All guidelines are interdispersed throughout the chapter. I wouldn't even be able to recongize a 2021 guideline from any other because I haven't taken the course yet. See my dilemma? Is the webinar you mentioned good for people who have never ever seen E/M before?

A really, really basic gist of it is:


The changes were for Outpatient Office Visits. Most E/M utilization typically falls under this category (ex - your office visits to your doctor). This category doesn't change for 2023.

The CPC exam has 6 questions in the E/M section. Most of your 6 E/M exam questions will likely be about this type of E/M visit. Your 2022 CPC course is covering current information for this category of E/M visits.


Revisions were rolled out to the other categories of E/M codes. Ex - Inpatient visits, observation visits, nursing home visits, home visits, etc.
Remember that on the CPC exam, you only have 6 total questions about E/M and most will be about the outpatient office visits.

Of the 6 E/M questions on the CPC exam, you might have 1-2 questions that relate to the categories that changed in 2023. (Maybe 3 questions tops) The remaining 3-5 questions in the E/M section should be about that outpatient office visit stuff you're learning in your 2022 CPC class.

Long story short...even if you completely pretended that the 2023 E/M guideline changes don't exist and only learn what's taught in your 2022 CPC class, it would still only impact 1-2 (maybe 3) total questions out of 100 on your entire CPC exam.

That's not to say the 2023 changes aren't important - the changes are very important, especially for people who code the affected E/M categories on the job. But in terms of the CPC exam, the 2023 changes aren't going to make or break your overall score. Hopefully that helps put your mind at ease!

(FWIW, my employer provided training on the 2023 changes, but I don't use those E/M categories on a regular basis. My physicians only do maybe 3-5 inpatient visits a year - none so far in 2023. By the time one crosses my desk, I'll need a refresher again!)
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E/M has always confused me. I watched YouTube videos, read the chapter, as well as other things. It never clicked. I thought for sure that I would fail that section when I took my test in Feb. I not only passed the CPC exam but passed the E/M section. My advice, don't stress about it too much. It's only a couple questions out of 100.
E/M has always confused me. I watched YouTube videos, read the chapter, as well as other things. It never clicked. I thought for sure that I would fail that section when I took my test in Feb. I not only passed the CPC exam but passed the E/M section. My advice, don't stress about it too much. It's only a couple questions out of 100.
Hi, I am going for CPC exam in few weeks and so nervous, Feel like I am still not catching up with the time. I bought 2023 CPT book even though I just took classes end of the 2022 year. When I am doing some mock test I am getting codes from 2022. During 2023 CPC test are they still using questions related to 2022 codes? If so then do I have to take 2022 & 2023 books?
Hi, I am going for CPC exam in few weeks and so nervous, Feel like I am still not catching up with the time. I bought 2023 CPT book even though I just took classes end of the 2022 year. When I am doing some mock test I am getting codes from 2022. During 2023 CPC test are they still using questions related to 2022 codes? If so then do I have to take 2022 & 2023 books?
It will be from 2023. What helped me with the time is making sure my book was bubbled. Do you know about the bubble technique? Also, go on You Tube and look at Medical Coding By Jen. She has some really helpful tips for passing. She holds several lives during the week. I watched her a lot and I believe it helped some. But the bubble technique helped me tremendously with time. Also, lastly look at the answers first...that will direct you to where you will have to go, do process of elimination, then skim the question for key words.
It will be from 2023. What helped me with the time is making sure my book was bubbled. Do you know about the bubble technique? Also, go on You Tube and look at Medical Coding By Jen. She has some really helpful tips for passing. She holds several lives during the week. I watched her a lot and I believe it helped some. But the bubble technique helped me tremendously with time. Also, lastly look at the answers first...that will direct you to where you will have to go, do process of elimination, then skim the question for key words.
Medical Coding By Jen is the most valuable teacher ever. I wouldn't know half the things I know without her. And that she does it for free is amazing. She's on youtube, tik tok, etsy, instagram. Watch some of her E/M videos on youtube and you will know how to do it. She is a true gem and such an asset to the coding community.