Wiki 20526

What are they being done for? You don't give enough information for a response. 20526 is a carpal tunnel injection and 20550 is a tendon sheath or ligament injection. If you go CMS' website you can check all NCCI edits

In order to answer your question appropriately you would need to describe how these codes are being used, are they being done for different conditions of the same one?
The 20526 is being done for carpal tunnel using dx code 354.0. The 20550 is being done for 726.4 which is also for Enthesopathy of wrist and carpus. The patient was also seen for an office visit that day and those dx codes were for MS and gait disorder.
Thanks for your help:)
20550 is your primary code. If in fact your provider is injecting two separately identifiable locations, and they are distinct, then the 59 modifier would be appropriate on 20526.

When asking for help, please be specific in your request. Give the procedure(s), preferably exact from provider notes, minus PHI, so others can do our own due diligence.