Wiki 20553


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trigger point injectios----If my doctor was injectioning 5 sites both superficially and deep to total 10 different areas of 4 muscles 3 of which are injected bilaterally on both left and right--would I 20553 once? and can I bill for xylocaine?
yes, you can only report 20553 x1 and you can bill for the xylocaine using the appropriate J code from the HCPCS manual be sure to see how much per unit the JCode includes and how much the Dr Injected to determine if to bill x1 or x2 etc
yes, you can only report 20553 x1 and you can bill for the xylocaine using the appropriate J code from the HCPCS manual be sure to see how much per unit the JCode includes and how much the Dr Injected to determine if to bill x1 or x2 etc

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