Wiki 24 thallium viability study

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How do you code a 24 thallium viability study? here is the report...
PROCEDURE PERFORMED: A 24 thallium viability study.
INDICATION FOR PROCEDURE: The patient does have a history of an anteriormyocardial infarction. Viability study is recommended prior to considerationfor high risk percutaneous or surgical avascularization.
DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: On 02/09/2017 at 1206, the patient received 4.3 mCiof thallium. Patient had imaging performed following this and again after 4hours. On 02/10/2017 at 24 hour timeframe, she received a supplemental does of 1.1 mCi of thallium and the 24 hour imaging set was performed.
FINDINGS: A moderate to large size, fixed anterior apical defect was visualized at rest. The defect revealed mild viability at 4 hours and significant viability at 24 hours.
CONCLUSION: Patient does have a prior anterior apical myocardial infarction. The infarction does reveal significant viability at 24 hours.