Wiki 25248 or 10120?


Centre Hall, PA
Best answers
Which code is more accurate?
The surgeon performed removal of a foreign body of the left wrist. The OP report states there was retained glass in the person's wrist. The dissection was carried down through the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The glass was dissected free of the surrounding tissue and removed in full. The incision was irrigated and the skin was closed with a 4-0 vicryl rapide.
My question is, do I code from the musculoskeletal section of the CPT book with code 25248 or do I code from the integumentary section with code 10120?
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Which code is more accurate?
The surgeon performed removal of a foreign body of the left wrist. The OP report states there was retained glass in the person's wrist. The dissection was carried down through the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The glass was dissected free of the surrounding tissue and removed in full. The incision was irrigated and the skin was closed with a 4-0 vicryl rapide.
My question is, do I code from the musculoskeletal section of the CPT book with code 25248 or do I code from the integumentary section with code 10120?
25248 was the correct answer as the Lay terms for this code explain "When the patient is appropriately prepped and anesthetized, the provider incises the skin over the foreign body, as identified on imaging. He retracts the skin and subcutaneous tissues and grasps the foreign body with forceps and pulls it out. The provider then irrigates the area with antibiotic solution, checks for bleeding, removes any instruments, and closes the incision."