Wiki 27810 vs 27825

Canon City, CO
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I have an 11 year old that has a triplane fracture at the end of the distal tibia with a nondisplaced posterior corner fracture of the talus extending into the posterior talocalceneal joint. Procedure note states that the provider did a reduction of the left ankle fracture dislocation but didn't address the triplane fracture of the tibia. My supervisor and myself are debating which procedure would best describe the procedure done. I think it would be 27825 because the description states the distal tibia with manipulation, but also says with skeletal traction and/or manipulation. My understanding of and/or is it one or the other or both but he seems to disagree and thinks 27810 would better fit the situation. I am not familiar with the ortho coding at all and any insight on how to proceed with this would be greatly appreciated.