Wiki 28575


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Can you charge 28575 twice in same foot?

I have a talo-navicular dislocation as well as a talo- calcaneal dislocation?

How can I find out if it can be charged twice in same foot?

The 28545 specifically says "other than" talo-tarsal.

I didn't did not know the talo-navicular and the talo-calcaneal are the same joint????

Do you know where I can find information stating they are the same joint???
It was just a thought based on the plain english description from contexo media: "the physician treats a dislocation of the ankle bone that connects to the large bone of the lower leg and its joint with the ankle bone in front of it. The bones are pushed back into place, and the foot is placed in a cast, brace, or splint. Code 28575 if the patient is given anesthesia."
I was looking at the "ankle bone in front of it" statement. Since the calceneus is behind the talus i thought perhaps that would work. However, on further research it appears that it is all one joint so if it is dislocated at the navicular it could also be dislocated at the calceneus an that is all one joint. I think you are looking at 28575 once. If it is more extensive and documentation supports, you could add modifier -22.
Thank you. I keep "hearing" that it is all the same joint but I just can't seem to find anything saying that.

But thanks for all your help. It will be 28575 only once.