Wiki 38525 vs 38740/38745


Escondido, CA
Best answers
Which code? 38525 or 38740? I think it might be 38740 however the surgeon doesn't mention the axillary vein. Thoughts please...

We placed a transverse 3 to 4 cm left axillary incision,
dissected down through the subcutaneous tissue down through the
superficial fascia into the axillary space. We identified the lymph
node. The lymph node was quite mobile and easy to maneuver. We
placed a stitch through the lymph node in order to gain some good
traction on it. We dissected around the lymph node, very close to the
lymph node, and used hemoclips for hemostasis and to ligate any
lymphatic channels. We were able to do this entirely around the lymph
node. There appeared to be two lymph nodes actually matted together.
We got the lymph node removed completely. We looked back in the