Wiki 4 View Thoracolumbar (T-L) Spine

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I would like to hear recommendations on how to bill for a 4 View Thoracolumbar (T-L) spine. The physican has ordered AP, Lateral, Flexion and Extension views of the T-L Spine. The only T-L cpt code available is 72080; T-L Spine, 2 views.

Thank you,
Nancy K. Perry
Registered Coder, CPC, RCC, RT(R)
T: 601-984-2597|F:601-984-5485
If the images are mostly lumbar spine (the acetabulum is imaged also) we charge lumbar spine 4 views. If 2 images have no acetabulum, we go with t-spine 2 views, L spine 2 views.
Thank you for your response. We are considering billing 72080 with a quantity of two since we are not performing a true, complete 2V Thoracic and Lumbar spine series to support 72070 & 72100.