Wiki 43237 for staging


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FACILITY CODING QUESTION--should this scenario be coded as 43237 or 43237-74?
The indications for the EUS was for staging of squamous cell esophageal.

For the endoscopic part it stated--The Olympus GF-UE160-AL5 was introduced through the mouth, and advanced to the second part of duodenum. The Olympus scope GIF-HQ190 (2613536) was introduced through the mouth, and advanced to the second part of duodenum. The upper EUS was accomplished with ease. The entire examined stomach was normal.The examined duodenum was normal. Then in the OP note it has ENDOSONOGRAPHIC FINDING and it states that the tumor was unable to be traversed completely with the echoendoscope due to the obstructing nature of the tumor. The scope could only be passed to approximately 36.5cm from the incisors.
EUS staging was incomplete since tumor could not be completely visualized/traversed, but was at least uT3N0.
