Wiki 4th degree laceration with sphicteroplasty


Hockley, TX
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Hello. Can one of you lovely experts make sure that I am coding the following CPT correctly. Patient delivered by her OBGYN- i am coding for the UROGYN who performed laceration repair.

The EAS was identified and grasped with 2 Allis clamps. The right side was more retracted than the left. The left side was dissected to allow for an overlapping technique. A 1.5 cm segment of sphincter was overlapped over the right side, using 3-0 PDS. Adequate sphincter tone achieved. A series of interrupted sutures of 2-0 vicryl were used to close the dead space on both sides of the vagina in ischioanal fossa. Hemostasis was reviewed.

The remaining perineal laceration was repaired with 2-0 vicryl. The posterior wall was closed in a continuous matter, changing planes at the hymenal ring and the superficial muscles of the pelvis were reapproximated with the same suture. The skin was closed with interrupted sutures using 3-0 Vicryl rapide.

I am using 59300 with a 22 modifier. Am I missing anything? ACOG is confusing me as well since what I found states I could also use 13131 -13133 for 4th degree repairs. How do I know which is more appropriate.
I think you could bill it either way. I believe the work Rvu for the 131 code is higher, but with a mod 22 they may be a horse a piece.