I'd go with CPT 52204 in this context.
Follow this logic here.
Question: My physician frequently performs bladder biopsies or fulguration using cystourethroscopy to either treat bladder lesions or stop bleeding in the bladder. I am often confused about how many times I am able to report these codes. Can you clarify how many times I can report these codes?
Answer: Very often urologists must perform procedures on the urinary tract (specifically the urethra and bladder) using cystourethroscopy to biopsy suspicious areas, fulgurate lesions or bleeding areas in the bladder, and also treat bladder tumors. To clarify the billing of these procedures, note that the parenthetical “(s)” is added to the biopsy, lesion, or tumor nomenclature in several of the code descriptors to identify that the code includes one or more of the specific treatment (eg, biopsy(s), tumor(s)). Following is an explanation on the appropriate use of the CPT codes for cystourethroscopy.
CPT code 52204 Cystourethroscopy, with biopsy(s)
· CPT code 52204, Cystourethroscopy with biopsy(s) of the urethra and bladder, is reported only once, irrespective of how many biopsy specimens are obtained and how the specimens are sent for pathologic examination. If your physician is fulgurating the area from which the specimens were taken, the fulguration is also included in this code and is not reported separately. The code descriptor was revised for CPT 2007 to reflect that this code is reported only once for multiple biopsies.