Wiki 92082


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Hi, I am trying to figure out how exactly I am suppose to bill the 92082. I know we get pd for one or both eyes. Someone said I should now bill it 92082 and 92082-76. Is this correct?

If anyone can help It would be appreciated. I cannot find any answers exactly about this.

Thank You
hi there I read an article that might help you. hope it helps you out :)

This is what Palmetto GBA Medicare Part B guidelines say:
CPT codes 92081 through 92083 (visual field examinations) should be submitted with a days/units of '1' regardless of whether the service was performed on one eye or both eyes because the description of the code represents a 'unilateral or bilateral' service.

Visual field examinations to determine the need for blepharoplasty are sometimes performed twice, once with the eye(s) taped and immediately repeated without the eye(s) taped. In this situation, the repeated service should be submitted with CPT modifier 76.
I understand that people with end-to-end process experience only will be able to answer perfectly, particularly for ophthalmology claims. With my hands on these, I will try best to help you out. If there is a denial with modifier 76, there is great chance of success in appeal